After The Dust Settles
26 Minutes
All across America historic homes are being demolished only to be replaced by two or more houses that are out of scale and character with the neighborhood. It is the double edged sword of teardowns and infill. It threatens to destroy our history, the beauty of our neighborhoods and the fabric of our communities, changing the way our communities feel and look.
This program chronicles the fate of one such house that becomes more than just another hole in the city’s historic heritage, it becomes a flashpoint for the issues of teardown and infill.
Many communities have declared moratoriums on “McMansions”. In response, developers say that baby boomers want homes in historic districts that have the latest amenities and are larger than the homes currently on the undervalued lots. The battles lines are drawn.
Do we protect the neighborhoods from the developers or the developers from the neighborhoods? It’s the classic struggles of preservations against developers and the wealthy against the middle class with local governments caught in the middle trying to balance the desire for tax revenue against the preservation of the character of our historic neighborhoods. As another significant work or art falls to the wrecking ball, one community is nearly torn apart as they wrestle with the issues and argue about what we will have… after the dust settles.