The Defiant One
50 Minutes
The late 1940’s and ’50’s were a disturbing time in American History. The House Committee on UnAmerican Activities had been established. Alger Hiss was convicted of being a Soviet Spy. China became a communist country. The Rosenberg’s were arrested and charged with treason. The Soviets tested their first atomic bomb.
It was a time of uncertainty and fear. But that time, seemingly so long ago, holds important lessons for today, where the term “un-American” is still used to smear and disparage those who don’t agree with the people who seek to control power.
This film centers on Nedrick Young, a talented writer who, as a result of the Hollywood Blacklist, was forced to write under the pseudonym Nathan E. Douglas. When this writer won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for his film The Defiant Ones, no one was there to collect the award, because Nathan E. Douglas didn’t exist. This event signaled the beginning of the end for the Hollywood Blacklist.
Sadly, the blacklist didn’t really die out. Even today people are blacklisted based on religious or political beliefs, sexual orientation, race, or any number of factors. Think you’re not on a list? Think again! Every blog or magazine you subscribe to, every website you visit or Google search you launch puts you on a list!
Will a change in the political party in power put you on the wrong side?
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Defiant 7 The Fayetteville Premier of The Defiant One was held before a sell-out crowd. Filmmakers Jan Johnson & Pat Wright, and actress Elizabeth MacRae, widow of blacklisted writer Nedrick Young, answer questions after the premiere.